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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 as sM.Zik 2024-03-29 2024-03-29 16:47:18 26d12h BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 44 Space SCW vhMlJ TvB 06:34 ZZvZZ sM.Zik, tonyG[VcK] 🆚 ViperClass, woots sM.ZikZ·304·142⑫, tonyG[VcK]Z·271·211⑤ 🆚 ViperClassZ·295·223⑥, wootsZ·147·103⑦ 304, 271 🆚 295, 147 142, 211 🆚 223, 103 12, 5 🆚 6, 7 200-300 0 0 1 1 2024-04-04 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 2:2 FS Good only.! A]CarLoS 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 04:40:50 2M3d BW 1.21+ None | iCCup | Fighting Spirit 1.3 Blizz 3KuxH TvB 05:42 ZZvZZ A]CarLoS, banana[tQ] 🆚 tangochaz, YOW A]CarLoSZ·261·169⑪, banana[tQ]Z·318·142④ 🆚 tangochazZ·125·97①, YOWZ·130·95⑧ 261, 318 🆚 125, 130 169, 142 🆚 97, 95 11, 4 🆚 1, 8 200-300 0 0 40 1 2024-04-04 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 2V2@FS NO NOOBS Iimebean 2024-02-19 2024-02-19 04:57:16 2M6d BW 1.21+ None | iCCup | Fighting Spirit 1.3 Blizz 3KuxH TvB 08:42 ZZvZZ Iimebean, CasioWatchBest 🆚 limebean, gamvit IimebeanZ·151·105①, CasioWatchBestZ·217·135⑪ 🆚 limebeanZ·130·105⑧, gamvitZ·225·179④ 151, 217 🆚 130, 225 105, 135 🆚 105, 179 1, 11 🆚 8, 4 100-200 0 0 116 1 2024-04-04 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 cpl nOmZergWeedLord 2023-10-01 2023-10-01 17:39:00 6M23d BW 1.21+ None Neo Luna 4.4c UM9N0 TvB 06:14 ZZvZZ (nOm)(andersOn), nOmZergWeedLord 🆚 SHimmer[ReV], ash.4Stars (nOm)(andersOn)Z·244·174①, nOmZergWeedLordZ·135·79⑧ 🆚 SHimmer[ReV]Z·115·103⑪, ash.4StarsZ·159·111④ 244, 135 🆚 115, 159 174, 79 🆚 103, 111 1, 8 🆚 11, 4 100-200 0 0 9 1 2024-02-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 aa willma 2023-09-19 2023-09-19 21:19:36 7M5d BW 1.21+ None La Campanella 1.1 Blizz 135G_ Team Melee 09:58 ZZvZZ willma, aP-satik 🆚 JiriKara, Cwt)Masicko willmaZ·137·112⑤, aP-satikZ·176·93⑧ 🆚 JiriKaraZ·239·151①, Cwt)MasickoZ·90·77⑪ 137, 176 🆚 239, 90 112, 93 🆚 151, 77 5, 8 🆚 1, 11 100-200 8 0 3 1 2023-11-04 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 111 NAKR`cava 2023-09-17 2023-09-17 18:14:18 7M7d BW 1.21+ None (4)Paranoid Android XXL v2.9 ZbLNi TvB 05:56 ZZvZZ NAKR`gambit, NAKR`cava 🆚 mG[Mango], mG[Lime] NAKR`gambitZ·245·186②, NAKR`cavaZ·230·133⑦ 🆚 mG[Mango]Z·124·107①, mG[Lime]Z·148·126⑧ 245, 230 🆚 124, 148 186, 133 🆚 107, 126 2, 7 🆚 1, 8 100-200 8 0 22 1 2023-09-29 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 111 NAKR`cava 2023-09-17 2023-09-17 18:01:14 7M7d BW 1.21+ None La Campanella 1.1 Blizz 135G_ TvB 07:54 ZZvZZ NAKR`cava, NAKR`gambit 🆚 mG[Mango], mG[Lime] NAKR`cavaZ·253·155⑧, NAKR`gambitZ·233·188⑪ 🆚 mG[Mango]Z·130·108①, mG[Lime]Z·156·131⑤ 253, 233 🆚 130, 156 155, 188 🆚 108, 131 8, 11 🆚 1, 5 100-200 8 0 38 1 2023-09-29 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 444 La.Kn1cks 2023-08-08 2023-08-08 16:16:09 8M16d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 40 Space SCW CSASl TvB 13:29 ZZvZZ Bear., La.Kn1cks 🆚 Rootkit, itsmekarate Bear.Z·200·153①, La.Kn1cksZ·168·125③ 🆚 RootkitZ·299·244⑤, itsmekarateZ·224·163⑦ 200, 168 🆚 299, 224 153, 125 🆚 244, 163 1, 3 🆚 5, 7 200-300 11 0 18 1 2023-08-13 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 7 u238f0djdkt 2023-07-31 2023-07-31 21:31:47 8M24d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 40 Space SCW CSASl TvB 07:22 ZZvZZ Brother[gK], u238f0djdkt 🆚 La.Kn1cks, Rootkit Brother[gK]Z·167·112⑪, u238f0djdktZ·171·142⑦ 🆚 La.Kn1cksZ·157·118⑫, RootkitZ·300·231⑤ 167, 171 🆚 157, 300 112, 142 🆚 118, 231 11, 7 🆚 12, 5 100-200 11 0 14 1 2023-08-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 SUPER SUPER FAST 99999 ETNOCACERISMO 2023-07-29 2023-07-29 04:16:15 8M27d BW 1.21+ None 极限暴兵对决 3.0H Second 7yWDr UMS 04:08 ZZvZZ ETNOCACERISMO, Covid-19isangel 🆚 Jeronimo21, Felipe ETNOCACERISMOZ·157·121⑩, Covid-19isangelZ·272·205⑪ 🆚 Jeronimo21Z·117·94④, FelipeZ·310·239⑤ 157, 272 🆚 117, 310 121, 205 🆚 94, 239 10, 11 🆚 4, 5 200-300 13 0 0 1 2023-08-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 $$$99999999$$$$$999999 isent21 2023-07-24 2023-07-24 23:11:33 9M BW 1.21+ None 돈만 999999 [완벽공평] B8d88 UMS 04:42 ZZvZZ isent21, Mclovin.1 🆚 lostagian, Felipe isent21Z·82·64⑪, Mclovin.1Z·58·55⑫ 🆚 lostagianZ·2·2⑥, FelipeZ·135·120⑨ 82, 58 🆚 2, 135 64, 55 🆚 2, 120 11, 12 🆚 6, 9 50-100 11 0 0 1 2023-08-04 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 2x2 GOOD PYThon DemoNRUS 2023-07-17 2023-07-17 20:44:08 9M7d BW 1.21+ None | iCCup | Python 1.3 mFIdk TvB 07:34 ZZvZZ limebean, bEIleVeR 🆚 440, Gandalfin limebeanZ·183·153⑦, bEIleVeRZ·152·113⑧ 🆚 440Z·278·173①, GandalfinZ·269·228② 183, 152 🆚 278, 269 153, 113 🆚 173, 228 7, 8 🆚 1, 2 200-300 5 0 23 1 2023-12-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 2v2 fs good TomasPlay 2023-06-27 2023-06-27 21:19:53 9M27d BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 Blizz v4RTL TvB 04:21 ZZvZZ TerraHydraCanno, TomasPlay 🆚 limebean, Gandalfin TerraHydraCannoZ·121·103①, TomasPlayZ·163·126④ 🆚 limebeanZ·189·152⑪, GandalfinZ·296·242⑧ 121, 163 🆚 189, 296 103, 126 🆚 152, 242 1, 4 🆚 11, 8 100-200 5 0 2 1 2023-12-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 2v2 fs good TomasPlay 2023-06-09 2023-06-09 22:18:06 10M15d BW 1.21+ None 투혼 1.3 Blizz v4RTL TvB 08:00 ZZvZZ TomasPlay, Gandalfin 🆚 A.Vandelay, TerraHydraCanno TomasPlayZ·218·178⑪, GandalfinZ·295·243⑧ 🆚 A.VandelayZ·146·139①, TerraHydraCannoZ·136·124④ 218, 295 🆚 146, 136 178, 243 🆚 139, 124 11, 8 🆚 1, 4 100-200 6 0 16 1 2023-12-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 2v2 FS GooD++ Mr.MichaeL 2023-05-31 2023-05-31 16:36:27 10M24d BW 1.21+ None | iCCup | Fighting Spirit 1.3 Blizz 3KuxH TvB 06:36 ZZvZZ Razorbg, TomasPlay 🆚 MilIe-FeuilIe, Ucm RazorbgZ·186·139⑪, TomasPlayZ·216·170④ 🆚 MilIe-FeuilIeZ·147·99①, UcmZ·142·119⑧ 186, 216 🆚 147, 142 139, 170 🆚 99, 119 11, 4 🆚 1, 8 100-200 15 0 39 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 $$$999$$$ R33Z3D 2023-05-29 2023-05-29 18:12:59 10M26d BW 1.21+ None MONEY JUNGLE (2022) 99999999 cRCEX UMS 06:11 ZZvZZ R33Z3D, Felipe 🆚 PainXG, HCL2023 R33Z3DZ·127·99⑫, FelipeZ·153·136① 🆚 PainXGZ·76·65④, HCL2023Z·88·76⑥ 127, 153 🆚 76, 88 99, 136 🆚 65, 76 12, 1 🆚 4, 6 100-200 11 0 3 1 2023-08-04 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
17 Matchmaking game xaxaally 2023-05-27 2023-05-27 00:48:32 10M29d BW 1.21+ ShieldBat Paradiso 1.2b X23BD TvB 04:33 ZZvZZ xaxaally, Azul 🆚 cockmeatsandwich, 1stClassProtoss xaxaallyZ·284·229⑪, AzulZ·178·137⑧ 🆚 cockmeatsandwichZ·250·149①, 1stClassProtossZ·192·134④ 284, 178 🆚 250, 192 229, 137 🆚 149, 134 11, 8 🆚 1, 4 200-300 11 0 21 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
18 2v2 fs good !!! SzybkiLopez(GN) 2023-05-24 2023-05-24 18:57:33 11M BW 1.21+ None S_투혼 1.3 f2CG0 TvB 10:09 ZZvZZ SzybkiLopez(GN), LetsPracticeP 🆚 Gandalfin, limebean SzybkiLopez(GN)Z·158·137①, LetsPracticePZ·258·188⑪ 🆚 GandalfinZ·290·246⑧, limebeanZ·190·155④ 158, 258 🆚 290, 190 137, 188 🆚 246, 155 1, 11 🆚 8, 4 200-300 13 0 0 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
19 1vs 1 99999999999999999 PixOS 2023-05-23 2023-05-23 03:37:03 11M2d BW 1.21+ None 돈만 999999 [완벽공평] B8d88 UMS 10:17 ZZvZZ AT12pm, PixOS 🆚 Felipe, ELMALDITO2023 AT12pmZ·78·71⑪, PixOSZ·88·77① 🆚 FelipeZ·159·141④, ELMALDITO2023Z·137·87⑥ 78, 88 🆚 159, 137 71, 77 🆚 141, 87 11, 1 🆚 4, 6 100-200 13 0 9 1 2023-08-04 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
20 Matchmaking game fakename 2023-05-21 2023-05-21 23:48:01 11M3d BW 1.21+ ShieldBat Paradiso 1.2 ERuFB TvB 10:41 ZZvZZ durrrrrrrrr., hebron 🆚 Rusty2017, Gandalfin durrrrrrrrr.Z·256·169⑪, hebronZ·172·134⑧ 🆚 Rusty2017Z·303·224①, GandalfinZ·286·233④ 256, 172 🆚 303, 286 169, 134 🆚 224, 233 11, 8 🆚 1, 4 200-300 10 0 17 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨