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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 1z LeGenD]Gabi 2024-03-09 2024-03-09 22:38:09 1M17d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 44 Space SCW 5gpSp TvB 16:49 PZTvZPT LeGenD]Gabi, LeGenD]EviL, LeGenD]Bisu 🆚 GanGstEr]Rand0M, -]KL[-ZeuZ, GanGstEr]Pro- LeGenD]GabiP·177·149③, LeGenD]EviLZ·171·125⑤, LeGenD]BisuT·248·202⑦ 🆚 GanGstEr]Rand0MZ·176·129①, -]KL[-ZeuZP·176·140⑥, GanGstEr]Pro-T·258·224⑨ 177, 171, 248 🆚 176, 176, 258 149, 125, 202 🆚 129, 140, 224 3, 5, 7 🆚 1, 6, 9 200-300 1 0 3 1 2024-03-18 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 1z LeGenD]Gabi 2024-03-09 2024-03-09 22:17:19 1M17d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 44 Space SCW 5gpSp TvB 18:46 TPZvTZP LeGenD]Bisu, LeGenD]Gabi, LeGenD]EviL 🆚 GanGstEr]Pro-, GanGstEr]Rand0M, -]KL[-ZeuZ LeGenD]BisuT·266·230⑫, LeGenD]GabiP·197·164⑦, LeGenD]EviLZ·193·145⑨ 🆚 GanGstEr]Pro-T·257·222⑪, GanGstEr]Rand0MZ·169·131③, -]KL[-ZeuZP·204·183⑤ 266, 197, 193 🆚 257, 169, 204 230, 164, 145 🆚 222, 131, 183 12, 7, 9 🆚 11, 3, 5 200-300 1 0 16 1 2024-03-18 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 22 SaDi)Marine 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 20:33:22 4M6d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 42 Space SCW YT00L TvB 06:01 PTPvZTP SaDiStiC)Moon, SaDi)Marine, SaDiStiC)Warrio 🆚 Nbk.Newbport-, KoRDeR[gK], TealSilverSteal SaDiStiC)MoonP·224·193⑪, SaDi)MarineT·250·217⑫, SaDiStiC)WarrioP·279·210⑤ 🆚 Nbk.Newbport-Z·192·167①, KoRDeR[gK]T·138·120③, TealSilverStealP·195·159⑥ 224, 250, 279 🆚 192, 138, 195 193, 217, 210 🆚 167, 120, 159 11, 12, 5 🆚 1, 3, 6 200-300 2 0 14 1 2023-12-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 22 ✞༒FaSTeST༒✞ GhOsT]-Diaura~ 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 19:07:04 4M10d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 42 Space SCW YT00L TvB 10:39 PZPvPTP GhOsT]-Diaura~, GhOsT]-StaN, GhOst]xIy 🆚 L-Mx]DaDdy, GaeMtOsS, L-Mx]Avocado GhOsT]-Diaura~P·198·167③, GhOsT]-StaNZ·166·111⑥, GhOst]xIyP·162·144⑦ 🆚 L-Mx]DaDdyP·160·121⑫, GaeMtOsST·315·200⑤, L-Mx]AvocadoP·232·160⑨ 198, 166, 162 🆚 160, 315, 232 167, 111, 144 🆚 121, 200, 160 3, 6, 7 🆚 12, 5, 9 200-300 0 0 72 1 2024-03-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 SCW 2s3s LvL PrO--- GeNouX[xT] 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 17:11:08 4M10d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 42 Space SCW YT00L TvB 15:15 ZPPvTPP GeNouX[xT], GaeMtOsS, GhOsT]-Solid- 🆚 AiOria-, By_AnDy, Greko GeNouX[xT]Z·135·111⑫, GaeMtOsSP·280·184③, GhOsT]-Solid-P·103·101⑨ 🆚 AiOria-T·148·125⑤, By_AnDyP·162·155⑥, GrekoP·142·135⑦ 135, 280, 103 🆚 148, 162, 142 111, 184, 101 🆚 125, 155, 135 12, 3, 9 🆚 5, 6, 7 100-200 0 0 60 1 2024-03-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 SCW 2s3s LvL PrO-- GeNouX[xT] 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 16:11:14 4M10d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 42 Space SCW YT00L TvB 06:41 ZTPvTTP GaeMtOsS, GeNouX[xT], GhOsT]-LaLa 🆚 DFAEFAW, narcogueller, lllllIIllIIllII GaeMtOsSZ·308·185⑪, GeNouX[xT]T·127·110①, GhOsT]-LaLaP·168·133⑦ 🆚 DFAEFAWT·143·112③, narcoguellerT·234·136⑤, lllllIIllIIllIIP·236·169⑥ 308, 127, 168 🆚 143, 234, 236 185, 110, 133 🆚 112, 136, 169 11, 1, 7 🆚 3, 5, 6 200-300 0 0 33 1 2024-03-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 2 VS 2 3:3 FASTEST LVL GhOsT]~Diaura~ 2023-11-19 2023-11-19 17:13:35 5M8d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Space Original SCW kvfJr TvB 06:05 TPZvPZP GhOsT]~Diaura~, By.PabloShAGge, GhOsT]-LaLa 🆚 Kobe[aK], GaeMtOsS, ]Barber GhOsT]~Diaura~T·191·155⑫, By.PabloShAGgeP·225·173⑤, GhOsT]-LaLaZ·162·123⑨ 🆚 Kobe[aK]P·162·154①, GaeMtOsSZ·279·168③, ]BarberP·188·163⑦ 191, 225, 162 🆚 162, 279, 188 155, 173, 123 🆚 154, 168, 163 12, 5, 9 🆚 1, 3, 7 200-300 0 0 11 1 2024-03-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 Fast 2s 3S LVL s Ghost]Loggi 2023-11-19 2023-11-19 16:27:59 5M8d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Space SCW LKFNF TvB 06:43 TZPvPZP GaeMtOsS, Ghost]Loggi, LgX[T-MeTal 🆚 Einen[VcK], GanGstEr]Wrrium, ~NachO GaeMtOsST·328·206⑪, Ghost]LoggiZ·138·90⑫, LgX[T-MeTalP·171·140⑦ 🆚 Einen[VcK]P·128·91①, GanGstEr]WrriumZ·222·143⑥, ~NachOP·275·182⑨ 328, 138, 171 🆚 128, 222, 275 206, 90, 140 🆚 91, 143, 182 11, 12, 7 🆚 1, 6, 9 200-300 0 0 10 1 2024-03-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 Fast 2s 3S LVL s Ghost]Loggi 2023-11-19 2023-11-19 16:20:53 5M8d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Space SCW LKFNF TvB 04:30 PZPvTPP Ghost]Loggi, GaeMtOsS, LgX[T-MeTal 🆚 Einen[VcK], GanGstEr]Wrrium, [NV]CaTaLiN Ghost]LoggiP·148·133⑤, GaeMtOsSZ·286·164⑥, LgX[T-MeTalP·177·140⑨ 🆚 Einen[VcK]T·116·79⑪, GanGstEr]WrriumP·185·138①, [NV]CaTaLiNP·90·88③ 148, 286, 177 🆚 116, 185, 90 133, 164, 140 🆚 79, 138, 88 5, 6, 9 🆚 11, 1, 3 100-200 0 0 3 1 2024-03-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 Fast 2s 3S LVL s Ghost]Loggi 2023-11-19 2023-11-19 16:15:54 5M8d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Space SCW LKFNF TvB 02:30 TZTvPZP GaeMtOsS, Ghost]Loggi, LgX[T-MeTal 🆚 [NV]CaTaLiN, Einen[VcK], GanGstEr]Wrrium GaeMtOsST·304·148③, Ghost]LoggiZ·110·66⑤, LgX[T-MeTalT·194·134⑨ 🆚 [NV]CaTaLiNP·75·72⑪, Einen[VcK]Z·95·75⑫, GanGstEr]WrriumP·154·115① 304, 110, 194 🆚 75, 95, 154 148, 66, 134 🆚 72, 75, 115 3, 5, 9 🆚 11, 12, 1 100-200 0 0 8 1 2024-03-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 3V3 FASTEST!!!!!!LVL!!! GasHog[xT] 2023-11-18 2023-11-18 04:25:38 5M9d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Blue SCW WwP2k TvB 17:02 TTPvPTT RoIlingStoNe, BlackFish., GasHog[xT] 🆚 -OsiTO-, catamaran, Xelrus[xT] RoIlingStoNeT·47·46⑫, BlackFish.T·186·146⑤, GasHog[xT]P·135·113⑥ 🆚 -OsiTO-P·139·115⑪, catamaranT·119·109①, Xelrus[xT]T·244·203③ 47, 186, 135 🆚 139, 119, 244 46, 146, 113 🆚 115, 109, 203 12, 5, 6 🆚 11, 1, 3 100-200 7 0 17 1 2023-11-18 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 er DiablinCasterTv 2023-11-11 2023-11-11 03:24:17 5M16d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Korea 빠른무한 SCW qPkIz TvB 19:11 TZPvZPT L-Mx]P4blo7, L-Mx]MiMeTiC, L-Mx].StyM- 🆚 Dark-Yahel-2D, 2D)P(Leveleando, 2D)P(TeNmA L-Mx]P4blo7T·196·172①, L-Mx]MiMeTiCZ·142·111⑨, L-Mx].StyM-P·194·160⑫ 🆚 Dark-Yahel-2DZ·173·146③, 2D)P(LeveleandoP·261·185④, 2D)P(TeNmAT·240·183⑪ 196, 142, 194 🆚 173, 261, 240 172, 111, 160 🆚 146, 185, 183 1, 9, 12 🆚 3, 4, 11 200-300 10 0 34 1 2023-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 er DiablinCasterTv 2023-11-11 2023-11-11 03:16:26 5M16d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Korea 빠른무한 SCW qPkIz TvB 04:49 TPZvTZP L-Mx]P4blo7, L-Mx].StyM-, L-Mx]MiMeTiC 🆚 2D)P(TeNmA, Dark-Yahel-2D, 2D)P(Leveleando L-Mx]P4blo7T·294·235⑥, L-Mx].StyM-P·238·188⑨, L-Mx]MiMeTiCZ·173·130⑫ 🆚 2D)P(TeNmAT·290·192④, Dark-Yahel-2DZ·192·163⑧, 2D)P(LeveleandoP·339·166⑪ 294, 238, 173 🆚 290, 192, 339 235, 188, 130 🆚 192, 163, 166 6, 9, 12 🆚 4, 8, 11 200-300 8 0 8 1 2023-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 er DiablinCasterTv 2023-11-11 2023-11-11 02:58:07 5M16d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Korea 빠른무한 SCW qPkIz TvB 15:10 TPZvTPZ L-Mx]P4blo7, L-Mx]DaDdy, L-Mx]MiMeTiC 🆚 2D)P(TeNmA, 2D)P(Leveleando, Dark-Yahel-2D L-Mx]P4blo7T·220·190④, L-Mx]DaDdyP·172·129⑥, L-Mx]MiMeTiCZ·113·85⑫ 🆚 2D)P(TeNmAT·249·189①, 2D)P(LeveleandoP·260·181⑧, Dark-Yahel-2DZ·161·134⑪ 220, 172, 113 🆚 249, 260, 161 190, 129, 85 🆚 189, 181, 134 4, 6, 12 🆚 1, 8, 11 100-200 8 0 1 1 2023-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 er DiablinCasterTv 2023-11-11 2023-11-11 02:39:59 5M16d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Korea 빠른무한 SCW qPkIz TvB 08:51 PZTvPTZ L-Mx].StyM-, L-Mx]MiMeTiC, L-Mx]P4blo7 🆚 2D)P(Leveleando, 2D)P(TeNmA, Dark-Yahel-2D L-Mx].StyM-P·233·196③, L-Mx]MiMeTiCZ·167·136⑥, L-Mx]P4blo7T·281·246⑪ 🆚 2D)P(LeveleandoP·303·175①, 2D)P(TeNmAT·287·204④, Dark-Yahel-2DZ·203·176⑫ 233, 167, 281 🆚 303, 287, 203 196, 136, 246 🆚 175, 204, 176 3, 6, 11 🆚 1, 4, 12 200-300 9 0 24 1 2023-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 er DiablinCasterTv 2023-11-11 2023-11-11 02:22:03 5M16d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Korea 빠른무한 SCW qPkIz TvB 11:21 TZPvPZT L-Mx].StyM-, L-Mx]MiMeTiC, L-Mx]aLeX 🆚 2D)P(Leveleando, Dark-Yahel-2D, 2D)P(TeNmA L-Mx].StyM-T·229·197⑧, L-Mx]MiMeTiCZ·170·118⑪, L-Mx]aLeXP·166·95⑫ 🆚 2D)P(LeveleandoP·255·166③, Dark-Yahel-2DZ·180·151⑥, 2D)P(TeNmAT·288·196⑨ 229, 170, 166 🆚 255, 180, 288 197, 118, 95 🆚 166, 151, 196 8, 11, 12 🆚 3, 6, 9 200-300 8 0 2 1 2023-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
17 12 GanGstEr]Stev- 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 07:51:47 5M18d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Space SCW LKFNF TvB 09:11 PPZvTZP Flash[gK], NINIBOLA, GanGstEr]Stev- 🆚 SaDi)ScarfacE-, SaDiStiC)Pro-, SaDiStiC)PanteR Flash[gK]P·187·112⑪, NINIBOLAP·170·151⑤, GanGstEr]Stev-Z·225·172⑥ 🆚 SaDi)ScarfacE-T·167·126⑫, SaDiStiC)Pro-Z·214·178③, SaDiStiC)PanteRP·119·112⑦ 187, 170, 225 🆚 167, 214, 119 112, 151, 172 🆚 126, 178, 112 11, 5, 6 🆚 12, 3, 7 100-200 9 0 11 1 2023-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
18 12 GanGstEr]Stev- 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 07:31:27 5M18d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Space SCW LKFNF TvB 18:58 TTPvZPP GanGstEr]Stev-, NINIBOLA, Flash[gK] 🆚 SaDi)ScarfacE-, SaDiStiC)PanteR, SaDiStiC)Pro- GanGstEr]Stev-T·199·157⑪, NINIBOLAT·165·141①, Flash[gK]P·175·134⑤ 🆚 SaDi)ScarfacE-Z·189·134③, SaDiStiC)PanteRP·132·123⑥, SaDiStiC)Pro-P·225·201⑨ 199, 165, 175 🆚 189, 132, 225 157, 141, 134 🆚 134, 123, 201 11, 1, 5 🆚 3, 6, 9 100-200 6 0 17 1 2023-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
19 12 GanGstEr]Stev- 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 07:22:39 5M18d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Space SCW LKFNF TvB 07:22 PTPvTZP Flash[gK], NINIBOLA, GanGstEr]Stev- 🆚 SaDi)ScarfacE-, SaDiStiC)PanteR, SaDiStiC)Pro- Flash[gK]P·213·131①, NINIBOLAT·213·158⑦, GanGstEr]Stev-P·227·164⑨ 🆚 SaDi)ScarfacE-T·233·171⑫, SaDiStiC)PanteRZ·123·103⑤, SaDiStiC)Pro-P·198·177⑥ 213, 213, 227 🆚 233, 123, 198 131, 158, 164 🆚 171, 103, 177 1, 7, 9 🆚 12, 5, 6 200-300 9 0 1 1 2023-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
20 12 GanGstEr]Stev- 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 07:09:23 5M18d BW 1.21+ SCW SCW 41 Space SCW LKFNF TvB 11:59 PPTvZPP Flash[gK], GanGstEr]Stev-, NINIBOLA 🆚 SaDiStiC)Pro-, SaDiStiC)PanteR, SaDi)ScarfacE- Flash[gK]P·195·136⑫, GanGstEr]Stev-P·189·150①, NINIBOLAT·196·168⑦ 🆚 SaDiStiC)Pro-Z·224·187③, SaDiStiC)PanteRP·129·121⑤, SaDi)ScarfacE-P·186·148⑨ 195, 189, 196 🆚 224, 129, 186 136, 150, 168 🆚 187, 121, 148 12, 1, 7 🆚 3, 5, 9 100-200 9 0 1 1 2023-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨