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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 14 La.BuDwEiSsEr 2012-12-23 2012-12-23 02:42:58 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 08:31 PPvPZ Sexy-iKNoW, Dragonite 🆚 La.BuDwEiSsEr, Xp-TeMpLaR 🆚 La.Knicks Sexy-iKNoWP·145·137⑪, DragoniteP·158·132⑦ 🆚 La.BuDwEiSsErP·145·119⑫, Xp-TeMpLaRZ·123·90⑤ 🆚 La.KnicksT·9·8⑨ 145, 158 🆚 145, 123 🆚 9 137, 132 🆚 119, 90 🆚 8 11, 7 🆚 12, 5 🆚 9 100-200 56 1 126 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 blue Sexy-4LoKo 2012-12-22 2012-12-22 19:59:03 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 10:14 PZvPP Super)V(aMpire, Super)V(Adi 🆚 Sexy-Blistex, Sexy-4LoKo 🆚 La.Celtics Super)V(aMpireP·114·111⑫, Super)V(AdiZ·200·126⑥ 🆚 Sexy-BlistexP·130·125⑤, Sexy-4LoKoP·112·103⑦ 🆚 La.CelticsT·24·17⑪ 114, 200 🆚 130, 112 🆚 24 111, 126 🆚 125, 103 🆚 17 12, 6 🆚 5, 7 🆚 11 100-200 40 0 65 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 6y SoLo.MiMeTiC 2012-12-21 2012-12-21 20:54:30 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 05:39 ZPvPP Pro]daRa-, Sexy-Kasper 🆚 SoLo.MiMeTiC, RockOn 🆚 Sexy-MiyaGi, SoLo.Adler Pro]daRa-Z·156·131①, Sexy-KasperP·132·125⑦ 🆚 SoLo.MiMeTiCP·138·106③, RockOnP·180·144⑨ 🆚 Sexy-MiyaGiT·8·8⑫, SoLo.AdlerT·12·9⑤ 156, 132 🆚 138, 180 🆚 8, 12 131, 125 🆚 106, 144 🆚 8, 9 1, 7 🆚 3, 9 🆚 12, 5 100-200 42 0 68 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 cc AmBeR 2012-12-21 2012-12-21 20:49:40 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 08:42 PPvPZ AmBeR, vY.DesTroYer- 🆚 RasTa, Sexy-MiyaGi AmBeRP·147·127③, vY.DesTroYer-P·96·90⑥ 🆚 RasTaP·121·120⑦, Sexy-MiyaGiZ·139·122⑨ 147, 96 🆚 121, 139 127, 90 🆚 120, 122 3, 6 🆚 7, 9 100-200 30 0 11 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 7u SoLo.MiMeTiC 2012-12-21 2012-12-21 10:22:30 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 21:02 PZvPP xS.Ryoji), xS.ZeLL 🆚 RauL., Pro]DouBLe-G 🆚 SoLo.MiMeTiC xS.Ryoji)P·196·168⑪, xS.ZeLLZ·186·143⑥ 🆚 RauL.P·122·113③, Pro]DouBLe-GP·132·124⑦ 🆚 SoLo.MiMeTiCT·8·7⑤ 196, 186 🆚 122, 132 🆚 8 168, 143 🆚 113, 124 🆚 7 11, 6 🆚 3, 7 🆚 5 100-200 43 0 47 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 moo SilenT.MicRo 2012-12-21 2012-12-21 08:38:07 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 19:00 PZvPP xS.Ryoji_, xS.ZeLL 🆚 Pro]daRa-, SilenT.MicRo 🆚 LiGhTJaVi, Pro]BeaZtiN- xS.Ryoji_P·185·152⑫, xS.ZeLLZ·180·144⑥ 🆚 Pro]daRa-P·139·129⑤, SilenT.MicRoP·181·152⑦ 🆚 LiGhTJaViT·2·2⑪, Pro]BeaZtiN-T·4·4③ 185, 180 🆚 139, 181 🆚 2, 4 152, 144 🆚 129, 152 🆚 2, 4 12, 6 🆚 5, 7 🆚 11, 3 100-200 35 0 31 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 7u SoLo.MiMeTiC 2012-12-21 2012-12-21 08:01:26 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 12:48 PPvZP idrc, vY.HuLk- 🆚 SoLo.MiMeTiC, Freezing idrcP·153·140⑪, vY.HuLk-P·130·121⑫ 🆚 SoLo.MiMeTiCZ·111·82③, FreezingP·118·101⑥ 153, 130 🆚 111, 118 140, 121 🆚 82, 101 11, 12 🆚 3, 6 100-200 37 0 55 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 7u SoLo.MiMeTiC 2012-12-21 2012-12-21 07:17:53 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 07:34 PPvPZ Freezing, SoLo.MiMeTiC 🆚 xS.ZeLL, Sexy-teKniQ 🆚 Pro]MadaRa-, xS.Ryoji FreezingP·170·135⑪, SoLo.MiMeTiCP·125·104⑥ 🆚 xS.ZeLLP·124·110①, Sexy-teKniQZ·95·85⑨ 🆚 Pro]MadaRa-T·18·16③, xS.RyojiT·9·8⑤ 170, 125 🆚 124, 95 🆚 18, 9 135, 104 🆚 110, 85 🆚 16, 8 11, 6 🆚 1, 9 🆚 3, 5 100-200 38 0 21 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 6y SoLo.MiMeTiC 2012-12-21 2012-12-21 06:19:22 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 12:36 ZPvPP Sexy-teKniQ, xS.ZeLL 🆚 Freezing, SoLo.MiMeTiC Sexy-teKniQZ·93·82③, xS.ZeLLP·122·112⑨ 🆚 FreezingP·140·122⑤, SoLo.MiMeTiCP·108·94⑥ 93, 122 🆚 140, 108 82, 112 🆚 122, 94 3, 9 🆚 5, 6 100-200 34 0 32 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 6y SoLo.MiMeTiC 2012-12-21 2012-12-21 05:14:19 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 17:13 PPvPZ Sexy-MiyaGi, Sexy-teKniQ 🆚 Freezing, SoLo.MiMeTiC Sexy-MiyaGiP·118·110③, Sexy-teKniQP·108·103⑨ 🆚 FreezingP·127·110⑥, SoLo.MiMeTiCZ·98·78⑦ 118, 108 🆚 127, 98 110, 103 🆚 110, 78 3, 9 🆚 6, 7 100-200 29 0 31 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 5 Sexy-sileNce 2012-12-20 2012-12-20 05:24:11 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 15:06 PPvZP La.Celtics, Pro]MadaRa- 🆚 Sexy-4LoKo, Sexy-sileNce 🆚 Sexy-teKniQ La.CelticsP·122·112⑪, Pro]MadaRa-P·142·134⑦ 🆚 Sexy-4LoKoZ·106·85⑫, Sexy-sileNceP·196·172③ 🆚 Sexy-teKniQT·22·21⑥ 122, 142 🆚 106, 196 🆚 22 112, 134 🆚 85, 172 🆚 21 11, 7 🆚 12, 3 🆚 6 100-200 28 0 41 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 zxc xS.bam 2012-12-20 2012-12-20 02:24:44 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 14:57 PPvPZ xS.ZeLL, xS.Menace 🆚 Assassin., MiCrO]ChoBan 🆚 xS.bam, xS.Ryoji xS.ZeLLP·162·146⑪, xS.MenaceP·175·128⑤ 🆚 Assassin.P·165·148⑫, MiCrO]ChoBanZ·186·139⑥ 🆚 xS.bamT·8·7⑦, xS.RyojiT·24·18⑨ 162, 175 🆚 165, 186 🆚 8, 24 146, 128 🆚 148, 139 🆚 7, 18 11, 5 🆚 12, 6 🆚 7, 9 100-200 31 0 1 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 Lava DarKLaVa-2.6- 2012-12-20 2012-12-20 01:13:16 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 08:29 PZvPP xS.Ryoji_, xS.ZeLL 🆚 RockOn, DarKLaVa-2.6- 🆚 Sexy-teKniQ xS.Ryoji_P·216·166⑫, xS.ZeLLZ·179·134③ 🆚 RockOnP·168·137①, DarKLaVa-2.6-P·112·105⑤ 🆚 Sexy-teKniQT·9·9⑥ 216, 179 🆚 168, 112 🆚 9 166, 134 🆚 137, 105 🆚 9 12, 3 🆚 1, 5 🆚 6 100-200 32 0 7 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 cc AmBeR 2012-12-19 2012-12-19 22:54:56 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 14:53 PZvPP uLOSTme[FuN], GhOsT-Kush 🆚 Sexy-YoMo, Sexy-MiyaGi 🆚 UvL]Sub-ZerO, AmBeR, FeAr-RiddleZ, npnl.face uLOSTme[FuN]P·82·73⑫, GhOsT-KushZ·130·99① 🆚 Sexy-YoMoP·158·148③, Sexy-MiyaGiP·129·118⑥ 🆚 UvL]Sub-ZerOT·22·19⑪, AmBeRT·12·12⑤, FeAr-RiddleZT·7·6⑦, npnl.faceT·3·3⑨ 82, 130 🆚 158, 129 🆚 22, 12, 7, 3 73, 99 🆚 148, 118 🆚 19, 12, 6, 3 12, 1 🆚 3, 6 🆚 11, 5, 7, 9 100-200 42 0 84 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 LL vY.FaqqoT- 2012-12-19 2012-12-19 22:10:11 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 14:42 PPvPZ vY.DesTroYer-, vY.FaqqoT- 🆚 xS.ZeLL, Sexy-teKniQ 🆚 GhOsT-fu.cker vY.DesTroYer-P·115·106⑪, vY.FaqqoT-P·137·121⑦ 🆚 xS.ZeLLP·129·122⑫, Sexy-teKniQZ·91·78① 🆚 GhOsT-fu.ckerT·16·16⑤ 115, 137 🆚 129, 91 🆚 16 106, 121 🆚 122, 78 🆚 16 11, 7 🆚 12, 1 🆚 5 100-200 51 0 54 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 sexy Sexy-Gisele 2012-12-19 2012-12-19 21:19:54 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 10:56 PPvZP La.Revelations, Sexy-Gisele 🆚 Fr)e(TeDDie, Super)V(sLivkOs La.RevelationsP·194·160⑫, Sexy-GiseleP·116·112① 🆚 Fr)e(TeDDieZ·109·83③, Super)V(sLivkOsP·129·92⑥ 194, 116 🆚 109, 129 160, 112 🆚 83, 92 12, 1 🆚 3, 6 100-200 31 0 34 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
17 x1 Boxtrout 2012-12-19 2012-12-19 20:15:31 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 14:28 ZPvPP Boxtrout, vY.FaqqoT- 🆚 Pro]DouBLe-G, SuKerPUNCH 🆚 noobywilly BoxtroutZ·93·77⑪, vY.FaqqoT-P·142·121⑨ 🆚 Pro]DouBLe-GP·148·142①, SuKerPUNCHP·131·110⑤ 🆚 noobywillyT·12·10⑥ 93, 142 🆚 148, 131 🆚 12 77, 121 🆚 142, 110 🆚 10 11, 9 🆚 1, 5 🆚 6 100-200 28 0 26 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
18 cc Pk.AmBeR 2012-12-19 2012-12-19 19:42:21 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 12:46 ZPvPP Dragonite, Freezing 🆚 RasTa, Pk.AmBeR DragoniteZ·100·82①, FreezingP·153·134⑥ 🆚 RasTaP·100·97③, Pk.AmBeRP·120·105⑨ 100, 153 🆚 100, 120 82, 134 🆚 97, 105 1, 6 🆚 3, 9 100-200 39 0 33 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
19 ra RauL. 2012-12-19 2012-12-19 18:47:17 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 16:04 PPvPZ RauL., Super)V(Trout 🆚 vY.FreaK-, Sexy-Kasper RauL.P·125·113⑪, Super)V(TroutP·116·104⑫ 🆚 vY.FreaK-P·126·121③, Sexy-KasperZ·142·116⑦ 125, 116 🆚 126, 142 113, 104 🆚 121, 116 11, 12 🆚 3, 7 100-200 29 0 50 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
20 x1 Super)V(Trout 2012-12-19 2012-12-19 17:45:21 11y4M SC -1.16 None SCD 25 -- Space ryEiA Melee 18:21 PPvZP xS.ZeLL, Pro]MadaRa- 🆚 super)V(b0xer, Super)V(Trout xS.ZeLLP·140·129③, Pro]MadaRa-P·165·151⑦ 🆚 super)V(b0xerZ·154·133⑤, Super)V(TroutP·112·104⑥ 140, 165 🆚 154, 112 129, 151 🆚 133, 104 3, 7 🆚 5, 6 100-200 32 0 57 1 2020-11-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨