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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 BGH 3v3 GO+ Gandalfic 2021-12-07 2021-12-07 22:29:55 2y4M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 22:36 PTPvPZP Gandalfic, gigiFiare2222, qldude 🆚 seratul001, praxo, nooborator GandalficP·76·74⑫, gigiFiare2222T·193·171①, qldudeP·118·92⑥ 🆚 seratul001P·117·105⑪, praxoZ·129·103⑤, nooboratorP·101·89⑧ 76, 193, 118 🆚 117, 129, 101 74, 171, 92 🆚 105, 103, 89 12, 1, 6 🆚 11, 5, 8 100-200 7 0 51 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 33/44 BGH nelsonParfum 2021-12-04 2021-12-04 00:13:12 2y4M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 19:30 PTZPvZZTP Gandalfic, nelsonParfum, SuperHyd, Twinseun 🆚 vio7, Bom_Sky, opszczymur, WATASZEF GandalficP·54·53④, nelsonParfumT·137·124⑤, SuperHydZ·187·112⑥, TwinseunP·22·21⑩ 🆚 vio7Z·91·72⑪, Bom_SkyZ·188·142⑫, opszczymurT·236·173①, WATASZEFP·135·114⑧ 54, 137, 187, 22 🆚 91, 188, 236, 135 53, 124, 112, 21 🆚 72, 142, 173, 114 4, 5, 6, 10 🆚 11, 12, 1, 8 100-200 5 0 54 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 ♥ BGH ♥ BGH ♥ BGH nelsonParfum 2021-12-02 2021-12-02 23:57:46 2y4M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 06:27 PZTvTPP mess123, TT_TT, nelsonParfum 🆚 TwixOrMars, Gandalfic, Rex][Drake mess123P·185·135⑤, TT_TTZ·208·138⑥, nelsonParfumT·193·137⑧ 🆚 TwixOrMarsT·178·156⑪, GandalficP·66·65①, Rex][DrakeP·146·134④ 185, 208, 193 🆚 178, 66, 146 135, 138, 137 🆚 156, 65, 134 5, 6, 8 🆚 11, 1, 4 100-200 3 0 12 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 ♥ BGH ♥ BGH ♥ BGH nelsonParfum 2021-11-30 2021-11-30 23:28:50 2y4M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 08:15 PTPTvTZTP Gandalfic, nelsonParfum, Rex][Drake, TT_TT 🆚 stadim, Novatito, Knalltuete, Eastbrook GandalficP·66·65①, nelsonParfumT·171·126⑤, Rex][DrakeP·140·120⑥, TT_TTT·261·174⑩ 🆚 stadimT·113·95⑪, NovatitoZ·93·83⑫, KnalltueteT·201·118④, EastbrookP·170·118⑧ 66, 171, 140, 261 🆚 113, 93, 201, 170 65, 126, 120, 174 🆚 95, 83, 118, 118 1, 5, 6, 10 🆚 11, 12, 4, 8 100-200 5 0 33 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 ♥ BGH ♥ BGH ♥ BGH nelsonParfum 2021-11-19 2021-11-19 22:12:46 2y5M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 08:00 PTPPvZPZZ zergmaster., nelsonParfum, Gandalfic, eba4_truka4 🆚 H3ro]TaSe, TVG|88, Molvinec, hoobnoob zergmaster.P·104·84⑫, nelsonParfumT·150·96①, GandalficP·65·63④, eba4_truka4P·89·83⑩ 🆚 H3ro]TaSeZ·128·116⑪, TVG|88P·72·57⑤, MolvinecZ·108·99⑥, hoobnoobZ·131·106⑧ 104, 150, 65, 89 🆚 128, 72, 108, 131 84, 96, 63, 83 🆚 116, 57, 99, 106 12, 1, 4, 10 🆚 11, 5, 6, 8 100-200 14 0 43 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 BGH ALL WELCOME DjBobi 2021-03-21 2021-03-21 20:43:12 3y1M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 12:08 PZPPvZPPT YamiCZ, DjBobi, DJ84, Gandalfic 🆚 DeaD.Hidden, body21, noobEs, GiovanniGiorgio YamiCZP·41·40⑪, DjBobiZ·92·83⑫, DJ84P·106·102④, GandalficP·51·51⑤ 🆚 DeaD.HiddenZ·91·85①, body21P·87·82⑥, noobEsP·104·90⑧, GiovanniGiorgioT·275·248⑩ 41, 92, 106, 51 🆚 91, 87, 104, 275 40, 83, 102, 51 🆚 85, 82, 90, 248 11, 12, 4, 5 🆚 1, 6, 8, 10 100-200 28 0 20 1 2021-04-20 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 BGH 3v3 GO+ Gandalfic 2021-02-10 2021-02-10 23:19:55 3y2M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 10:35 PPZPvTZTT lascases, Gandalfic, nikor, Myk 🆚 SwedensFinest, Refus2000, DRAGON2019, cp7n lascasesP·97·95①, GandalficP·59·58④, nikorZ·67·60⑥, MykP·78·75⑧ 🆚 SwedensFinestT·284·221⑪, Refus2000Z·156·134⑫, DRAGON2019T·80·79⑤, cp7nT·54·51⑩ 97, 59, 67, 78 🆚 284, 156, 80, 54 95, 58, 60, 75 🆚 221, 134, 79, 51 1, 4, 6, 8 🆚 11, 12, 5, 10 100-200 33 0 28 1 2021-04-20 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 BGH 3v3 GO+ Gandalfic 2020-11-08 2020-11-08 21:11:03 3y5M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 15:18 PPPvPZZ NikolayIvanov, trebol, Gandalfic 🆚 Kung_Fu_Panda, FCK2020, Lithuanin NikolayIvanovP·64·58⑤, trebolP·127·107⑧, GandalficP·57·56⑩ 🆚 Kung_Fu_PandaP·69·64⑪, FCK2020Z·234·177⑫, LithuaninZ·71·65① 64, 127, 57 🆚 69, 234, 71 58, 107, 56 🆚 64, 177, 65 5, 8, 10 🆚 11, 12, 1 100-200 6 0 26 1 2021-04-20 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 BGH 3v3 GO+ Gandalfic 2020-10-29 2020-10-29 22:14:25 3y5M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 11:28 ZPPvZPT Dakota_Fanning, Backssa, Gandalfic 🆚 Bu77h0L3cruiser, [EDW]HAM, friendly123 Dakota_FanningZ·190·164⑫, BackssaP·98·82⑤, GandalficP·48·48⑥ 🆚 Bu77h0L3cruiserZ·124·105⑪, [EDW]HAMP·162·142①, friendly123T·127·118⑧ 190, 98, 48 🆚 124, 162, 127 164, 82, 48 🆚 105, 142, 118 12, 5, 6 🆚 11, 1, 8 100-200 99 2 36 1 2020-10-29 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 44 BGH 02 247 2020-09-27 2020-09-27 16:33:58 3y7M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 08:18 ZTPTvPPZT dennisking, 247, o1dcrafter, 2c00l2daY 🆚 Gandalfic, DeeryTheDeer, Bambaleo, ElPistolero denniskingZ·276·144①, 247T·180·131④, o1dcrafterP·257·188⑥, 2c00l2daYT·142·128⑩ 🆚 GandalficP·60·59⑪, DeeryTheDeerP·78·75⑫, BambaleoZ·89·79⑤, ElPistoleroT·41·40⑧ 276, 180, 257, 142 🆚 60, 78, 89, 41 144, 131, 188, 128 🆚 59, 75, 79, 40 1, 4, 6, 10 🆚 11, 12, 5, 8 100-200 5 0 9 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 44 BGH 04 247 2020-06-08 2020-06-08 08:58:57 3y10M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 09:59 ZTTPvZPZZ lc223, 247, ReD.ALF, Nt.Emperor 🆚 GFmega, Gandalfic, wooks366, RedNano lc223Z·80·60⑪, 247T·145·108⑤, ReD.ALFT·168·146⑧, Nt.EmperorP·105·97⑩ 🆚 GFmegaZ·100·90⑫, GandalficP·63·62①, wooks366Z·134·94④, RedNanoZ·42·40⑥ 80, 145, 168, 105 🆚 100, 63, 134, 42 60, 108, 146, 97 🆚 90, 62, 94, 40 11, 5, 8, 10 🆚 12, 1, 4, 6 100-200 4 0 10 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 44 BGH 02 247 2020-04-27 2020-04-27 03:53:25 4y BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 09:21 ZTTPvPZPZ Happy2020, 247, jack00jack, Antonio_FVB 🆚 Passionwhite, m122, Gandalfic, DDEVIL Happy2020Z·133·109①, 247T·165·116④, jack00jackT·131·92⑥, Antonio_FVBP·82·81⑧ 🆚 PassionwhiteP·41·39⑪, m122Z·51·49⑫, GandalficP·66·64⑤, DDEVILZ·57·52⑩ 133, 165, 131, 82 🆚 41, 51, 66, 57 109, 116, 92, 81 🆚 39, 49, 64, 52 1, 4, 6, 8 🆚 11, 12, 5, 10 50-100 5 0 15 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 44 BGH 03 247 2020-04-20 2020-04-20 01:43:46 4y BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 08:46 TTTTvZZPZ MAVERICKEFFECT, Antonio_FVB, 247, Happy2020 🆚 Abeja, marsavior, Gandalfic, HYDRA555 MAVERICKEFFECTT·199·171①, Antonio_FVBT·81·80⑤, 247T·176·117⑥, Happy2020T·131·107⑩ 🆚 AbejaZ·121·104⑪, marsaviorZ·76·60⑫, GandalficP·53·52④, HYDRA555Z·33·31⑧ 199, 81, 176, 131 🆚 121, 76, 53, 33 171, 80, 117, 107 🆚 104, 60, 52, 31 1, 5, 6, 10 🆚 11, 12, 4, 8 100-200 25 0 10 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 3344@ BGH +500 games Doppelhelix 2020-04-14 2020-04-14 22:29:31 4y BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 06:26 ZZTvPZP MtnView, yellOw, 247 🆚 Doppelhelix, Bekymringsfull, Gandalfic MtnViewZ·245·146⑪, yellOwZ·320·181⑤, 247T·184·129⑧ 🆚 DoppelhelixP·78·66④, BekymringsfullZ·231·187⑥, GandalficP·70·68⑩ 245, 320, 184 🆚 78, 231, 70 146, 181, 129 🆚 66, 187, 68 11, 5, 8 🆚 4, 6, 10 100-200 6 0 8 1 2022-11-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 3x3 BGH auto balance BghMmrBot 2020-04-11 2020-04-11 17:46:07 4y BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters 2sgqF TvB 16:13 ZPTvZPT Cezz, Gandalfic, Machamp 🆚 Tomalak, nachalnik, PANIC1988 CezzZ·39·37⑫, GandalficP·54·53④, MachampT·106·89⑧ 🆚 TomalakZ·106·82⑪, nachalnikP·63·55①, PANIC1988T·79·68⑤ 39, 54, 106 🆚 106, 63, 79 37, 53, 89 🆚 82, 55, 68 12, 4, 8 🆚 11, 1, 5 50-100 6 0 8 1 2020-11-18 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 3v3 Primeval Isle BLIZZ Spekk 2019-02-19 2019-02-19 23:36:26 5y2M BW 1.21+ None Primeval Isles Blizz -hcZZ TvB 19:38 PZvPP Spekk, ScienceCat 🆚 Gandalfic, sserMoscow SpekkP·148·125⑫, ScienceCatZ·85·74⑪ 🆚 GandalficP·58·57⑦, sserMoscowP·96·88⑨ 148, 85 🆚 58, 96 125, 74 🆚 57, 88 12, 11 🆚 7, 9 50-100 4 0 4 1 2022-11-28 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
17 3v3 BGH 3v3 GetBent[GFK] 2019-02-18 2019-02-18 01:03:46 5y2M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 16:04 PPZvPZT G00KY[GFK], GetBent[GFK], HI_I_BBOY[GFK] 🆚 Gandalfic, -iimpala-, doop1990 G00KY[GFK]P·139·130①, GetBent[GFK]P·238·173④, HI_I_BBOY[GFK]Z·177·127⑤ 🆚 GandalficP·47·46⑪, -iimpala-Z·107·85⑥, doop1990T·51·50⑩ 139, 238, 177 🆚 47, 107, 51 130, 173, 127 🆚 46, 85, 50 1, 4, 5 🆚 11, 6, 10 100-200 4 0 5 1 2021-01-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
18 BGH 3v3 \ Gandalfic 2019-02-12 2019-02-12 01:36:06 5y2M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 09:01 ZTTvPZP Gandalfic, bigbadea, OmniScourgeWest 🆚 BooobiBooobi, champ2k, GetBent[GFK] GandalficZ·46·43④, bigbadeaT·205·160⑥, OmniScourgeWestT·140·133⑧ 🆚 BooobiBooobiP·171·138①, champ2kZ·83·72⑤, GetBent[GFK]P·211·163⑩ 46, 205, 140 🆚 171, 83, 211 43, 160, 133 🆚 138, 72, 163 4, 6, 8 🆚 1, 5, 10 100-200 3 0 29 1 2021-01-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
19 2v2v2v2BGH Best Game EV CanaDien- 2018-07-29 2018-07-29 22:28:46 5y8M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux Melee 50:39 TPvTPvPZvPP Scopio_5, grumel 🆚 Gandalfic, TyInsuresTX 🆚 AIDEN_KIM, WinningStyle 🆚 CanaDien-, Kisiol Scopio_5T·56·54⑪, grumelP·58·53⑫ 🆚 GandalficT·37·36①, TyInsuresTXP·59·54⑥ 🆚 AIDEN_KIMP·156·130④, WinningStyleZ·71·57⑤ 🆚 CanaDien-P·50·50⑧, KisiolP·77·74⑩ 56, 58 🆚 37, 59 🆚 156, 71 🆚 50, 77 54, 53 🆚 36, 54 🆚 130, 57 🆚 50, 74 11, 12 🆚 1, 6 🆚 4, 5 🆚 8, 10 50-100 40 1 35 1 2020-07-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
20 2v2v2v2 BGH BGH BGH BGH BLUE-FALCON 2018-07-01 2018-07-01 20:03:01 5y9M BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux Melee 35:53 ZPvPZvTPvPP BLUE-FALCON, CanaDien- 🆚 Gandalfic, Kisiol 🆚 KaTaNaX17, IWIN666 🆚 M_O_N_S_T_E_R, 580GT BLUE-FALCONZ·65·50⑪, CanaDien-P·53·52⑫ 🆚 GandalficP·42·42①, KisiolZ·87·71⑥ 🆚 KaTaNaX17T·105·98④, IWIN666P·36·32⑤ 🆚 M_O_N_S_T_E_RP·38·37⑧, 580GTP·50·48⑩ 65, 53 🆚 42, 87 🆚 105, 36 🆚 38, 50 50, 52 🆚 42, 71 🆚 98, 32 🆚 37, 48 11, 12 🆚 1, 6 🆚 4, 5 🆚 8, 10 50-100 4 0 65 1 2020-07-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨