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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 FatCat 2024-04-03 2024-04-03 02:33:50 25d3h BW 1.21+ None 三门问题 1.3 U7uSO FFA 32:53 ZvZvZvTvTvTvPvP Jormungand Brood 🆚 Baelrog Brood 🆚 Tiamat Brood 🆚 Kel-Morian Combine 🆚 Mar Sara 🆚 FatCat 🆚 Venatir Tribe 🆚 Auriga Tribe Jormungand BroodZ·0·0① 🆚 Baelrog BroodZ·0·0③ 🆚 Tiamat BroodZ·0·0⑤ 🆚 Kel-Morian CombineT·0·0⑥ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0⑦ 🆚 FatCatT·167·139⑨ 🆚 Venatir TribeP·0·0⑪ 🆚 Auriga TribeP·0·0⑫ 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 167 🆚 0 🆚 0 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 139 🆚 0 🆚 0 1 🆚 3 🆚 5 🆚 6 🆚 7 🆚 9 🆚 11 🆚 12 100-200 1 0 0 1 2024-04-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 GalaxyTeam ZelUneec 2024-03-04 2024-03-04 21:51:57 1M23d BW 1.21+ None (8) Europe 1.2 VjG6Y TvB 25:10 PTvPTTPZ Alalngar, ZelUneec 🆚 Furinax Tribe, Mar Sara, Delta Squadron, Shelak Tribe, Grendel Brood AlalngarP·24·23⑨, ZelUneecT·57·56⑦ 🆚 Furinax TribeP·0·0⑩, Mar SaraT·0·0①, Delta SquadronT·0·0②, Shelak TribeP·0·0⑤, Grendel BroodZ·0·0④ 24, 57 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 23, 56 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 9, 7 🆚 10, 1, 2, 5, 4 0-50 1 1 0 1 787 2024-04-24 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 3 v comp ING06 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 21:09:20 2M5d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 22:12 ZTTvTTZZP SuperSvensken, Immothep65, ING06 🆚 Omega Squadron, Mar Sara, Tiamat Brood, Garm Brood, Velari Tribe SuperSvenskenZ·129·107⑫, Immothep65T·33·32①, ING06T·34·34④ 🆚 Omega SquadronT·0·0⑪, Mar SaraT·0·0⑤, Tiamat BroodZ·0·0⑥, Garm BroodZ·0·0⑧, Velari TribeP·0·0⑩ 129, 33, 34 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 107, 32, 34 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 12, 1, 4 🆚 11, 5, 6, 8, 10 50-100 0 0 1 1 2024-02-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 jin quit_stressgame 2024-02-16 2024-02-16 04:54:38 2M12d BW 1.21+ None Retro 1.2 Blizz O88b_ Melee 07:27 TvT quit_stressgame 🆚 Mar Sara quit_stressgameT·73·69⑪ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0① 73 🆚 0 69 🆚 0 11 🆚 1 50-100 0 0 1 1 2024-03-30 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 12e 2024-01-29 2024-01-29 05:05:41 2M30d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux FFA 28:52 TvZvPvTvPvZvZvZ Mar Sara 🆚 Jormungand Brood 🆚 Auriga Tribe 🆚 Omega Squadron 🆚 Shelak Tribe 🆚 Fenris Brood 🆚 Tiamat Brood 🆚 12e Mar SaraT·0·0⑪ 🆚 Jormungand BroodZ·0·0⑫ 🆚 Auriga TribeP·0·0① 🆚 Omega SquadronT·0·0④ 🆚 Shelak TribeP·0·0⑤ 🆚 Fenris BroodZ·0·0⑥ 🆚 Tiamat BroodZ·0·0⑧ 🆚 12eZ·70·65⑩ 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 70 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 65 11 🆚 12 🆚 1 🆚 4 🆚 5 🆚 6 🆚 8 🆚 10 50-100 0 0 0 1 2024-02-14 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 LUCKY 2024-01-22 2024-01-22 18:14:40 3M5d BW 1.21+ None Brave New World V9mn9 UMS 27:23 TTTTvTvZZZ LUCKY, Kel-Morian Combine, Omega Squadron, Epsilon Squadron 🆚 Mar Sara 🆚 Jormungand Brood, Garm Brood, Baelrog Brood LUCKYT·88·84④, Kel-Morian CombineT·0·0⑤, Omega SquadronT·0·0④, Epsilon SquadronT·0·0④ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0③ 🆚 Jormungand BroodZ·0·0⑪, Garm BroodZ·0·0⑦, Baelrog BroodZ·0·0⑩ 88, 0, 0, 0 🆚 0 🆚 0, 0, 0 84, 0, 0, 0 🆚 0 🆚 0, 0, 0 4, 5, 4, 4 🆚 3 🆚 11, 7, 10 0-50 1 0 0 1 2024-01-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 5vs3 Only Boomers Gen Z Hofmann 2024-01-21 2024-01-21 22:42:33 3M6d BW 1.21+ None 5 vs. 3 Super Comp 8.5 OBdRQ UMS 07:00 ZTPTTvTPZ Slopy1, Hofmann, Master_WUJ, TERRANJRTERRAN, L0SserR 🆚 Mar Sara, Venatir Tribe, Jormungand Brood Slopy1Z·136·95⑪, HofmannT·213·203①, Master_WUJP·129·92⑨, TERRANJRTERRANT·132·100⑫, L0SserRT·235·181③ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0④, Venatir TribeP·0·0⑧, Jormungand BroodZ·0·0⑥ 136, 213, 129, 132, 235 🆚 0, 0, 0 95, 203, 92, 100, 181 🆚 0, 0, 0 11, 1, 9, 12, 3 🆚 4, 8, 6 100-200 0 0 5 1 2024-02-14 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 micro tournament hihigag 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 21:51:59 3M8d BW 1.21+ None The Lost Temple Blizz t9jd1 TvB 46:32 PTvZP hihigag, Mar Sara 🆚 Leviathan Brood, Akilae Tribe hihigagP·46·46⑫, Mar SaraT·0·0② 🆚 Leviathan BroodZ·0·0⑧, Akilae TribeP·0·0⑦ 46, 0 🆚 0, 0 46, 0 🆚 0, 0 12, 2 🆚 8, 7 0-50 1 1 1 1 2024-01-19 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 Impossible. Slopy1 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 02:28:29 3M11d BW 1.21+ None Impossible Ineluctable gHSEe UMS 15:58 ZTPTZvTZvP wtfrog, Slopy1, ppskksksks, WhitneyHouston, Devil[NmX] 🆚 Mar Sara, Fenris Brood 🆚 Auriga Tribe wtfrogZ·106·103⑧, Slopy1T·106·101⑧, ppskksksksP·66·64⑧, WhitneyHoustonT·77·74⑧, Devil[NmX]Z·93·92⑦ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0⑦, Fenris BroodZ·0·0⑧ 🆚 Auriga TribeP·0·0⑦ 106, 106, 66, 77, 93 🆚 0, 0 🆚 0 103, 101, 64, 74, 92 🆚 0, 0 🆚 0 8, 8, 8, 8, 7 🆚 7, 8 🆚 7 50-100 1 0 42 1 2024-02-14 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 Impossible. Slopy1 2024-01-17 2024-01-17 02:01:44 3M11d BW 1.21+ None Impossible Ineluctable gHSEe UMS 03:39 ZTTZPvTZvP wtfrog, Slopy1, Pro-TossMySalad, Sickel, Pisco 🆚 Mar Sara, Jormungand Brood 🆚 Velari Tribe wtfrogZ·97·88⑧, Slopy1T·128·123⑧, Pro-TossMySaladT·76·75⑧, SickelZ·43·43⑧, PiscoP·58·57⑦ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0⑦, Jormungand BroodZ·0·0⑧ 🆚 Velari TribeP·0·0⑦ 97, 128, 76, 43, 58 🆚 0, 0 🆚 0 88, 123, 75, 43, 57 🆚 0, 0 🆚 0 8, 8, 8, 8, 7 🆚 7, 8 🆚 7 50-100 0 0 20 1 2024-02-14 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 impossible choose #x2 Som1 2024-01-14 2024-01-14 16:56:24 3M13d BW 1.21+ None IMPOSSIBLEOPTIONS3.0 TBO30 UMS 04:36 TTTTTvTTvT xproo100, Foxdonut, Slopy1, Som1, GoodBot 🆚 Elite Guard, Omega Squadron 🆚 Mar Sara xproo100T·45·45④, FoxdonutT·38·37④, Slopy1T·88·88④, Som1T·62·62④, GoodBotT·37·37④ 🆚 Elite GuardT·0·0④, Omega SquadronT·0·0① 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0⑧ 45, 38, 88, 62, 37 🆚 0, 0 🆚 0 45, 37, 88, 62, 37 🆚 0, 0 🆚 0 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 🆚 4, 1 🆚 8 0-50 0 0 37 1 2024-02-14 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 UMS Testing Event LUCKY_NOOB 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 11:57:50 3M14d BW 1.21+ None Mad God Melee UMS p6jbd UMS 02:03 ZvTPTZZPvU LUCKY_NOOB 🆚 Mar Sara, Auriga Tribe, Omega Squadron, Tiamat Brood, Fenris Brood, Velari Tribe 🆚 Alpha Squadron LUCKY_NOOBZ·35·35⑧ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0⑪, Auriga TribeP·0·0⑫, Omega SquadronT·0·0①, Tiamat BroodZ·0·0⑧, Fenris BroodZ·0·0④, Velari TribeP·0·0⑥ 🆚 Alpha SquadronU·0·0⑦ 35 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 🆚 0 35 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 🆚 0 8 🆚 11, 12, 1, 8, 4, 6 🆚 7 0-50 0 0 0 1 2024-01-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 LUCKY 2024-01-06 2024-01-06 11:32:01 3M21d BW 1.21+ None YP Problems RPG h3VHb UMS 03:01 TvZZZvTPZT LUCKY 🆚 Fenris Brood, Jormungand Brood, Garm Brood 🆚 Mar Sara, Venatir Tribe, Baelrog Brood, Epsilon Squadron LUCKYT·65·62⑩ 🆚 Fenris BroodZ·0·0⑧, Jormungand BroodZ·0·0⑨, Garm BroodZ·0·0⑧ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0⑩, Venatir TribeP·0·0⑪, Baelrog BroodZ·0·0⑩, Epsilon SquadronT·0·0⑩ 65 🆚 0, 0, 0 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0 62 🆚 0, 0, 0 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0 10 🆚 8, 9, 8 🆚 10, 11, 10, 10 0-50 1 0 0 1 2024-01-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 fdsfds 2024-01-04 2024-01-04 16:17:55 3M23d BW 1.21+ None (7) CIA Stole My Car and Crash It MvDSR FFA 02:43 ZvPvZvTvTvPvT Garm Brood 🆚 fdsfds 🆚 Leviathan Brood 🆚 Kel-Morian Combine 🆚 Mar Sara 🆚 Venatir Tribe 🆚 Alpha Squadron Garm BroodZ·0·0⑪ 🆚 fdsfdsP·45·37① 🆚 Leviathan BroodZ·0·0② 🆚 Kel-Morian CombineT·0·0④ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0⑥ 🆚 Venatir TribeP·0·0⑧ 🆚 Alpha SquadronT·0·0⑨ 0 🆚 45 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 0 🆚 37 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 11 🆚 1 🆚 2 🆚 4 🆚 6 🆚 8 🆚 9 0-50 1 0 0 1 2024-02-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 Bunker DEF Khoivo 2024-01-02 2024-01-02 13:12:28 3M25d BW 1.21+ None Bunker Defense Hard V1.93b k19xA UMS 32:41 TTTTvTT Khoivo, WotanOrden, terriblemaloql, QUOCA 🆚 Antiga, Mar Sara KhoivoT·26·25⑪, WotanOrdenT·36·33①, terriblemaloqlT·17·15③, QUOCAT·8·6⑤ 🆚 AntigaT·0·0⑫, Mar SaraT·0·0⑫ 26, 36, 17, 8 🆚 0, 0 25, 33, 15, 6 🆚 0, 0 11, 1, 3, 5 🆚 12, 12 0-50 0 0 16 1 2024-04-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 Doctor Knowledge 2024-01-02 2024-01-02 03:38:27 3M26d BW 1.21+ None Broken Steppes ReYOl Melee 05:44 TvTvZvTvTvTvT Kel-Morian Combine 🆚 Elite Guard 🆚 Doctor Knowledge 🆚 Mar Sara 🆚 Epsilon Squadron 🆚 Delta Squadron 🆚 Alpha Squadron Kel-Morian CombineT·0·0⑩ 🆚 Elite GuardT·0·0① 🆚 Doctor KnowledgeZ·159·94⑩ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0③ 🆚 Epsilon SquadronT·0·0⑥ 🆚 Delta SquadronT·0·0⑧ 🆚 Alpha SquadronT·0·0⑤ 0 🆚 0 🆚 159 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 0 🆚 0 🆚 94 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 10 🆚 1 🆚 10 🆚 3 🆚 6 🆚 8 🆚 5 100-200 1 0 0 1 2024-04-27 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
17 Zyst 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 01:58:37 4M1d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux FFA 49:26 ZvTvTvPvTvZvPvP Fenris Brood 🆚 Alpha Squadron 🆚 Mar Sara 🆚 Venatir Tribe 🆚 Epsilon Squadron 🆚 Jormungand Brood 🆚 Zyst 🆚 Auriga Tribe Fenris BroodZ·0·0⑪ 🆚 Alpha SquadronT·0·0⑫ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0① 🆚 Venatir TribeP·0·0④ 🆚 Epsilon SquadronT·0·0⑤ 🆚 Jormungand BroodZ·0·0⑥ 🆚 ZystP·69·66⑧ 🆚 Auriga TribeP·0·0⑩ 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 69 🆚 0 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 0 🆚 66 🆚 0 11 🆚 12 🆚 1 🆚 4 🆚 5 🆚 6 🆚 8 🆚 10 50-100 4 0 0 1 2023-12-29 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
18 crab BSL-KilahAce 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 04:34:04 4M5d BW 1.21+ None Defiler ZvT YEm2X UMS 03:03 ZvTTTTvT BSL-KilahAce 🆚 Epsilon Squadron, Alpha Squadron, Elite Guard, Kel-Morian Combine 🆚 Mar Sara BSL-KilahAceZ·111·100⑤ 🆚 Epsilon SquadronT·0·0③, Alpha SquadronT·0·0③, Elite GuardT·0·0③, Kel-Morian CombineT·0·0③ 🆚 Mar SaraT·0·0③ 111 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0 🆚 0 100 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0 🆚 0 5 🆚 3, 3, 3, 3 🆚 3 100-200 0 0 0 1 2024-01-29 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
19 crab BSL-KilahAce 2023-12-23 2023-12-23 04:18:43 4M5d BW 1.21+ None ZvT multitasking P2iq6 UMS 14:49 ZvTTTTvT BSL-KilahAce 🆚 Kel-Morian Combine, Elite Guard, Mar Sara, Alpha Squadron 🆚 Antiga BSL-KilahAceZ·123·109⑤ 🆚 Kel-Morian CombineT·0·0③, Elite GuardT·0·0③, Mar SaraT·0·0③, Alpha SquadronT·0·0③ 🆚 AntigaT·0·0③ 123 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0 🆚 0 109 🆚 0, 0, 0, 0 🆚 0 5 🆚 3, 3, 3, 3 🆚 3 100-200 0 0 0 1 2024-01-29 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
20 testyourjockdung NopeAvi 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 05:00:30 4M11d BW 1.21+ None 랜능컴 2.0R Hard iQ9j1 UMS 1:28:53 PTTvZPT DemonAFK, cheesy2k5, NopeAvi 🆚 Leviathan Brood, Furinax Tribe, Mar Sara DemonAFKP·71·63⑪, cheesy2k5T·159·152⑫, NopeAviT·170·135⑥ 🆚 Leviathan BroodZ·0·0①, Furinax TribeP·0·0④, Mar SaraT·0·0⑤ 71, 159, 170 🆚 0, 0, 0 63, 152, 135 🆚 0, 0, 0 11, 12, 6 🆚 1, 4, 5 100-200 0 0 29 1 2024-03-09 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨